Vanapargi 2
80013 Pärnu
Many industries are faced with pressure issues. When pressure needs to be measured,checked, calibrated or controlled GMS Instruments is your partner. Representing leadingpressure measuring instruments manufacturers like WIKA, AMOT Controls, SIKA and AS-Schneider Armaturen. GMS Instruments carries a broad range of pressure gauges andtransmitters, pressure regulating valves and controllers and pressure calibrators. We alsocarry accessories for pressure measuring instruments like pressure gauge valves, overpressure protectors and 2-,3- and 5-fold manifolds. All kinds of mounting equipment andadaptors are within our scope of supply.
To monitor processes flow and level measurements are essential. For example, for gaining insightinto the efficiency of a system, it is necessary to know (among other aspects) what the input andthe output are. But these measurements are also necessary to monitor waste substances.Furthermore, there is a need to record the delivery and procurement of raw materials to theentire business.
Depending upon the principles on which flow and / or level measurement are based, there arevarious instruments that can be chosen.
For level detection, for example, a float switch may be used, also known as the Mobory switch. Theoperation of this switch is based on the mutual repulsion of two magnets. The float is mounted ona pivoting shaft, on which a permanent magnet also is mounted. The same magnet is mounted inthe switching section, opposite the magnet on the float. The poles of the two magnets are placedopposite each other in such a way that they repel each other through the flange. GMS Instrumentshas a wide range in the area of flow and level measurements. Tell us what your flow and / or levelchallenge is and we will do the rest
The way pressure measuring instruments will be mount on top of the process depends on the situation andtype of process. All instrument valves and manifolds are designed to fulfil its unique purpose. For example,there can not be any liquids go through a with a gas filled pipeline. While on the other side liquids are anecessity on liquid filled processes. The reason for this is that there needs to be a fixed zero pressure pointin the pipelines, to ensure reliable and accurate measurements. There can be numerous reasons not toinstall an instrument valve directly to the process, one of the reasons can be: a chemical composedprocess, high temperatures, or pressure fluctuations.
Manifolds ensure shutting-off impulse lines, deflating a process, and create a fixed zero pressure point.Manifolds come in many different sizes and forms, all dependable on the needs and requirements for eachunique process and installation wishes.
Valves fulfil a crucial function within the process. Valves make sure that significant amounts of fluencesare treated in controllable amounts by controlled opening and closing of the valve. The valve is thecorrecting system within the process, what means that in combination with further process equipment,valves are a necessity for taking care and maintaining the right amount of process going through.
A valve needs to have certain standards to keep a process running. Important features are for example thecharacteristics and capacity of the valve. When there is a deviation in one of the components, for instance,the flow of a process will be disrupted which can come with expensive downtime consequences. With theright features, a controlled process can take place safely.
Nowadays maintenance is not simply a reaction to a fault but involves regular measuring and testing sothat wear and tear of parts can be predicted. This predictive maintenance depends on dedicated,accurate and certified test and measuring equipment. GMS Instruments can supply a wide range ofdiagnostic equipment from stock and if preferred with a retraceable certificate.
The operational activities of all the different industries and shipping are guided by rules and regulations issuedby governments and agencies. To ensure compliance we can give engineering support and supply instrumentswhich check combustion of engines, measure and control output of exhaust gasses (like Nox), supply completetreatment systems for oily water, sludge and sewage and provide training for the effective use of thesesystems. We also have a large assortment of equipment to ensure a responsible use of water, oil and othervaluable commodities. All because the environment matters.
Pressure, temperature and other factors are important parameters in practical workplaces and in anindustrial process. This is why test calibration equipment plays an essential part in the monitoring andprotection of processes and environments. It also ensures that equipment functions perfectly on time,every time.
And it’s not just quality and process monitoring or indications for preventive maintenance that are at stake,but people’s lives as well. To ensure that your equipment in functioning properly, it is essential that it isregularly tested and calibrated. Various internationally recognised inspection bodies also require thatcritical measurement equipment is to be tested and calibrated at regular intervals.
Depending on the degree of accuracy required and the precise nature of the test or calibration, ourtechnical advisors will make the appropriate choice from our extensive range of test calibration equipment.
To test a pressure switch, for example, a hand pump with an analogue gauge is the most effective solution,whilst the calibration of a temperature sensor on which the quality of your product depends may require ahighly-accurate temperature calibrator supported by PC-based processing of the measurement data. Tellus what your test calibration equipment challenge is, and we will do the rest. We are specialised in thefollowing product categories:
You can ask GMS Instruments to help you with the certification of your equipment. Please visit thecertification service page. Logistics of GMS Instruments offers an average delivery time of one day, 24hours a day, which means that we can service your equipment very swiftly. We also provide a pick-up andredelivery service within the Rotterdam harbour.
When lives are at stake, you need a certified partner and advisor who has extensive experienceand knowledge in the supply and testing of gas detection equipment. Renowned brands ofportable and fixed gas and oxygen detection systems can be supplied from stock along with allnecessary spare parts. A wide range of test gases can be obtained from stock at the main portsof the world saving time and money!
Thermal imaging is the use of an infrared imaging and measurement camera to “see” and“measure” thermal energy emitted from an object. Infrared allows us to see what our eyescannot. Infrared thermography cameras produce images of invisible infrared or “heat” radiationand provide precise non-contact temperature measurement capabilities. Nearly everything getshot before it fails, making infrared cameras extremely cost-effective, valuable diagnostic toolsin many diverse applications.
And as the industry strives to improve product quality, and enhance worker safety, newapplications for infrared cameras continually emerge. The latest application is “night time”navigation. GMS Instruments has a complete product range of thermal imaging cameras fornight time navigation, Anti-Piracy, iceberg navigation, oil spill detection, safety onboard andman-overboard situations for maritime applications.
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